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Spanish C2
French C2
English C1
Italian C1
Premiere Pro
After Effects
Camera Op, video editor, photographer
From June 2014 until nowadays
Freelance, Spain & Italy
In different fields: cinema, cultural and corporative events, videoclips and fashion films
Filmaking teacher & project manager
British Council, Madrid, Spain
Jully2016 - June/September 2017
English summercamp teacher : creating and managing a 3 months course’s content. Training and managing 10 different teachers in 4 different school (Madrid, Las Rozas, Pozuelo, Alcobendas) Teaching cinema in English (classes between 15 and 20 children, aged from 10 to 17 years old, with mixed English level). Supervision of 30 groups. Each group has to make a short film going through all the steps they have learned on the camp : from the script to the edition of it.
Audiovisual Assistant
Pevype - Madrid, Spain
April 2016 - October 2016
Camera operator in corporative events, video editor and motion graphics
Art-therapy project manager
March - June2016
Colegio de educación especial Monte Abantos - Las Rozas, Spain
Course for grown-up handicapped people. Creation of the course. Teaching the theory and bases of photography. Working on emotions through games and photo-therapy. Application of the theory through practical classes.
April - Jully 2012
Cinema education course supervisor
Eidos du cinéma à la ville - Montauban, France
Production and coordination of two workshops : a stop motion short film (atrezzo, shooting, editing) and a short film for an European exchange of 18 young people (French, Italian and Polish) on the occasion of the book week.
Specialisation in fashion photography
Too Many Flash, Madrid, Spain
Master in video postproduction
2015 - 2016
Trazos, Madrid, Spain
«Information & Comunication» Degree - Erasmus
Università degli Studi di Macerata - Macerata, Italy
2012 - 2013
DUT «Information & Comunication» Licence
Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier - Toulouse, France
2010 - 2012
Litterature highschool dregree
Liceo Francés - Madrid, Spain
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